I registered via a link from my church, then downloaded the app. It asked me to set a pin, which I did, then took me to the login screen where it showed my email address which I clicked on. This it said was invalid, even though I'd registered it 10 minutes before.
Tried several times to register. It won't let me I or recognise email/password. Very frustrating.
Haven't been able to get on my admin account for two weeks. The app has so many frustrations. Not user friendly. Having to go back to pen and paper for check in and out.
Just tried to use it for first time, instructions very simple. HOWEVER, it would not accept my username or password. Which I know to be correct and work on the website. Annoying.
Excellent software
Difficult to log in. No option to request password reset
Tried to login & forgot my password, but there's no tab/link under the login tab to help me remember/restore it or get a new one so I've deleted the app.
Clunky UI takes a lot of taps to get to useful info
Difficult to understand
Can't see monthly events and sign up for courses